Monday, February 27, 2006

Acne, a worldwide skin problem

Acne breakouts are an inevitable experience for most teenagers and adults. It's a universal enemy for many people, no matter what age you are, and ironically a result of growing from child to adult. While it's not entirely avoidable, there are ways to reduce one's acne.

This widespread occurrence makes it very difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of acne, however, it is known to be a hormone related problem and is therefore more common in people with higher hormone levels. The severity of acne can vary depending on the patient but left untreated it can leave nasty scars that will remain for a long period of time.

Many researchers and professionals worldwide have been studying and battling acne for years with no good results when it comes to a definite solution. But what they contribute is great expertise, medications, tips on good hygiene, and emotional support that confirms that some acne is a normal part of life.

However, no matter what explanation we give to someone that is suffering from acne. So consider some additional ways to limit the affect of acne in your life. Primarily, take care of your body. Think about your life habits like what type of food you eat, how much sleep you get, which kind of skin cleaning routine you have, etc

Some factors like food are determinative in acne breakouts. Consult your dermatologist or online guide for more tips but be aware that fruits and vegetables are great for more than just healthy bones and teeth - they also lead to healthy skin. Also, watch your intake of sugar and manufactured products with heavy oil or fat.

You may also inform yourself about some products that claim to prevent or remove acne and see if any of them work for you. If they don't have side effects, it may depend on your skin type the good results you obtain from them

However, no matter what effect acne has on your outside appearance during your teen or adult life, only you can determine how you feel about your appearance and your looks. So, do your best to prevent or reduce acne's affect on your physical appearance but don't forget to take care of your self esteem as well.

When choosing a skin care product, be careful about which moisturizers and cleaners you use on your skin. Try to use a mild cleanser and apply it twice a day to the acne infected areas. There are several specialist cleansers ideally suited to this task. Once you clean your skin, moisturize with a natural product that triggers the skin healing natural process. This way you will be also improving acne blemishes.

It's very important that you try to avoid squeezing and picking. This can result in open sores that can easily become infected.

A bad diet is a proven factor to acne breakouts, so sticking to a well balanced diet will certainly help clear up or prevent acne. Garlic and onions are an example of vegetables that help to improve skin tissue. They can be particularly helpful because these contain sulphur.

About the Author

Martha Fitzharris

I recommend ClearSkin Acne Gel.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Important facts to help eliminate your acne problem

There are many different types of acne as well as various acne
treatments on the market. People can get pimples at various stages of their life, such as teenagers and adults. Although all these skin conditions begin the same way, there are basically only two types: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

Basically a zit is a hair follicle that has been trapped. The result of this situation is oil and bacteria. There are many ways to treat acne. The acne treatments you choose can include good hygiene, a change in diet, various medications, good lifestyles habits and cosmetics without oil to name a few.

No matter what you read, you will find acne myths. Dirty skin or stressful situations do not cause pimples. This popular misconception is wrong. A blackhead is dark because the dead skin is mixed in with the melanin. Another popular untruth about skin blemishes is a poor diet causes pimples. There is no proof that foods like seafood, sugar,chocolate, mild or oil cause skin break-outs.

Many people over-wash their face, believing this will heal pimples. Although it is good to wash your wash at least twice per day, too much washing can actually irritate the skin. This myth stems from a misconception that pores get blocked by the outside-in as opposed to the top down. This is just not true! Over-washing will cause excessive irritation resulting in a worse problem.

Other myths about treating blackheads and whiteheads is that the sun will heal your skin lesions. Be careful as the sun may do more damage than good. A better idea is to stay away from it. Do yourself a favor and do your research by reading various articles.

Many people believe that skin nodules or pustules are caused by dirt but this is not true. There are several factors that result in whiteheads such as your hormonal balance and the natural way that your skin renews itself.

One of the scariest words for any teenager is the 'P' word. When teenagers get a pimple, they get worried that their entire face will break out in severe acne. If this condition is not treated right away with the correct acne treatment, it has the potential
of getting severe and causing scars too!

One of the biggest problems associated with these skin conditions is lack of self-confidence, embarrassment and potential scarring later on in life. It is extremely critical to take early precautions to prevent inflammation and out of control spreading of it.

About the Author

Christine Laberge provides the latest acne treatments and practical articles. This helpful information is readily available at

Read about ClearSkin Acne Gel.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Causes of Halitosis

Most people think that bad breath is caused only by poor dental hygiene. However,chronic bad breath,a condition known as halitosis,can stem from various medical problems,dry mouth and even the Atkins diet.

If you have a consistent bad breath problem it is wise to visit your dentist in order to determine the cause of the problem.There are several possible reasons for bad breath such as dental decay, or gum disease.The dentist can diagnose other problems which cause bad breath including yeast infections of the mouth,dental caries,poorly fitting dental appliances and periodontal disease.

The medical condition dry mouth - also called xerostomia - can also cause bad breath.Anything that dries the mouth makes bad breath worse, because saliva cleanses the mouth.When there is not enough saliva in your mouth to wash away food particles and bacteria, bad breath can result.Alcohol, alcohol-containing mouthwashes,fasting and heavy exercise can all result in a dry mouth and worsen a bad breath problem.Drugs associated with producing dry mouth may also produce bad breath - antidepressants,blood pressure treatments,diuretics and antihistamines.

Bacteria on the back of the tongue are one of the commonest causes of bad breath.The bacteria produces a number of odors including volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) which are believed to be the major cause of halitosis.Some people with bad breath have a white or grayish coating on their tongue.Tongue cleaning is by far the most effective way of combating bad breath.

Many people have occasional bad breath, often on first awakening,or following an evening of alcoholic partying.Certain foods like garlic and onions can produce bad breath but only on a temporary basis.

A deficiency of vitamin B and zinc may be the cause of your bad breath.Smoking can also cause bad breath,reduce your ability to taste foods,stain teeth and irritate gum tissues.

Many medical problems can have bad breath as a side effect - such as kidney disease,cancer,lung problems,infections of the throat,tuberculosis,gastroesophageal reflux,uncontrolled diabetes,allergies and sinusitis.

Most toothpastes can be a cause of bad breath because the stuff that makes the foam actually promotes production of volatile sulfur compounds.Many of the mints and washes people use to combat halitosis dry out gum tissue and only cover bad breath.

However, mouthwashes containing chlorine dioxide are very effective at combating bad breath.

The Bad Breath Test

It is possible to suffer from bad breath without being aware of it.Some people suggest a simple test which you can do yourself to detect bad breath.The best way to find out if you have bad breath is to lick your wrist,wait ten seconds,and then smell your wrist.

There are individuals who suffer from halitophobia and believe that they have bad breath,but no physical or social evidence exists to suggest that halitosis is present.

What Can You Do?

Avoid bad breath by drinking lots of water.Drink peppermint tea, spiked with a pinch of anise or cinnamon.

One traditional bad breath cure which is backed up by modern research is yoghurt. Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulfide - a major cause of bad breath.

If you get a case of bad breath which persists despite good oral hygiene, consult your dentist and physician.

About the Author

Viktor Radcliff is a webmaster of

Read about HaliTonic - new natural remedy for halitosis.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Natural Treatment Options for Prostate Bph

Natural Treatment Options for Prostate Bph   by Mihail Fortomas

If your prostate diagnosis leaves you free of cancer, you may still have Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (prostate BPH). Rather than using hormonal or alpha blockers, many men have opted for a natural approach to avoid some of the unpleasant side effects of the drug therapy. The two prescription drugs, inasteride (Proscar) and terazosin (Hytrin) make lots of money for drug companies because they are the only two approved by the FDA to prevent prostatic proliferation (the growth of new prostate cells that cause prostate BPH in men over 50).

First we will look at 7 different therapy options for prostate BPH. These options are Ayurveda, Reflexology, Food Therapy, Imagery, Hydrotherapy, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy and Yoga. We present you with a brief synopsis of each therapy as it relates to prostate problems.

The Ayurvedic approach to all disease is to first make certain that you have received an appropriate diagnosis from a medical professional. If the prostate diagnosis is benign the ''flowing'' approach can be used. Mix the following herbal powders: Punarnava, Gokshura and Shilajit. Ingest just 1/4 teaspoon a day either dry or added to warm water. An alternative is to drink any one of horsetail, ginseng or hibiscus tea, consumign as much as you wish each day. All of these herbs should be available at your health food store or by mail order.

Reflexology is the pratice of directing energy toward specific pressure points in the body. Reflexology sessions begin with relaxing the total body then shifting the focus of the reflex to those areas of greatest need. For our purposes that would be the prostate, endocrine, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid and adrenal glands as well as the pancreas with the reflex in the hands or feet. You can find reflexology charts that give you the reflex points at most health food stores or schedule a session with a professional reflexologist.

Food Therapy
The key to affecting positive change in the prostate by eating specific foods is including any foods high in zinc. The properties in zinc have been proven beneficial in shrinking an enlarged prostate. Take a daily supplement of zinc. In addition to a low-fat diet, particularly avoiding saturated fats, consider adding one or two tablespoons per day of flaxseed oil to your diet as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, both know for their high content of zinc.

Imagery is closely associated to hypnosis, both practices incorporating positive visualization techniques to effect positive changes. Here is one exercise proven beneficial for our purposes here:

Close your eyes breathe out three times and imagine entering your body through any opening you choose. Find your prostate and examine it from every angle. Next, envision putting a thin golden net around the gland. This net has a drawstring that you can tighten. Cinch the drawstring so that the net is wrapped snugly around the prostate. As you do this, picture the prostate shrinking to its normal size. Then imagine using your other hand to massage your prostate. Sense that urine can now flow evenly and smoothly. The recommendation for this exercise is to practice it twice a day, three to five minutes per session for six cycles of 21 days on and 7 days off.

A hot sitz bath comes highly recommended for the treatment of an inflammed prostate. Sit down in a tub filled with comfortably hot water to a depth of your navel. Soak for twenty to forty-five minutes and follow with a cold bath or shower. This treatment should be done once a day for thirty days or until the symptoms are gone.

Vitamin and Mineral Therapy
The ideal vitamin and mineral treatment for prostate problems incorporates herbal medicine. The following regimen is recommended to help control symptoms:

a) 400 international units of Vitamin E per day
b) 30 milligrams of zinc twice a day
c) 1 milligram of copper twice a day
d) One tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day
e) 160 milligrams of saw palmetto twice a day.
Flaxseed oil and saw palmetto are easily obtainable in any health food store.

Certain Yoga poses can increase blood flow to the groin, thereby relieving certain prostate problems. You can find books on Yoga that include these poses, as well as many others, at any herbal or homeopathic store. The two poses that will benefit prostate problems are the "knee squeeze" and the "seated sun" along with the "stomach lock."

To do the "stomach lock," lie on your back and take a deep breath. Breathe out until all air is expelled from your lungs, then pull in hard on your buttocks, groin and stomach muscles. Hold this pose for a count of three then release the muscles. It is recommended that this session is repeated two or three times a day, three times a session to help prevent prostate trouble. You should not use this yoga pose if you suffer from high blood pressure, hiatal hernia, ulcers or heart disease.

It must be perfectly understood that there is no substitute for your physician. These options are presented as just that. . .options and you should consult your physician before undertaking any new treatment options prostate BPH whether medical or homeopathic.

About the Author

Mihail Fortomas is a teacher of Biology in a High School of Athens Greece. Free information on prostate diseases, symptoms and treatments of prostate problems , visit:

Read about Prostate Dr. - Herbal Remedy for Prostate and BPH.